Ask any footballer and they’ll tell you that dealing with expectations is easily one of the toughest aspect of the job – and this is no different when it comes to local football as well. Some might say especially so when it involves Johor DT.
Given everything they’ve achieved over the last few years, it’s easy to sometimes consistently see the JDT players in a different light. But no matter how tough they may look on the pitch, these lads suffer from weak knees the moment a needle is brandished right in front of them!
Check out these hilarious photos that were uploaded on Johor DT’s official Instagram account as well as their media officer’s official account!
Photo 1: Gabi Guerra appears to be unperturbed by the needle!

Photo 2: Fazly Mazlan using everything within him to withstand the pain!

Photo 3: You think Safiq is only composed on the pitch? Think again!

Photo 4: Come on Amirulhadi, stop hiding behind your hand!

Photo 5: We have never seen this side of Aidil…..

Photo 6: But of course, this one will melt some people out there!

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