Featured, Football

Exclusive: “Amri Yahya is the ‘Pirlo’ of Malaysian football”

Malaysian football fans have overwhelmingly voted to publicly recognize Amri Yahya as the greatest Malaysian player of his generation.

The JDT forward has been an ever-present player for both club and country, and more recently scored a crucial away goal during Johor DT’s AFC Cup cruncher against Al Qadsia in Kuwait.

Last week, we released a poll, asking Malaysian fans to vote on whether Amri Yahya is the greatest of his era and the ex-Selangor man received a whopping 91.85% of the vote, with most local football fans saying yes to the question.

Via PollDaddy.com
Via PollDaddy.com

Only 8.15% said no, with some claiming that names like Indra Putra and Shukor Adan deserve it more than Amri does. Current Selangor defender S. Subramaniam, who has played with Amri as well as Indra, believes that the latter edges over the former.

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Meanwhile, a well-known sports journalist in Malaysia, Vijhay Vick believes that it’s difficult to separate Amri, Shukor as well as Indra.

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That being said, a considerable amount of fans took to Twitter and Facebook, to vouch for Amri and they provided various reasons as to why he deserves the recognition above everyone else.


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While it’s pretty clear that most Malaysians think Amri is the best of his generation, the fans that voted against him have tabled fair points as well. Shukor and Indra do come close, though ultimately Amri pips them when it comes to longevity.

Where do you stand on this? Let us know by commenting below!


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