Featured, Football

Annuar Musa drops racist remark on new Kelantan foreign signings

Kelantan FA President Tan Sri Annuar Musa took to his official Facebook page earlier today, to provide updates on three foreign players that they’re looking to sign for this year’s Malaysian football season.

But in the same post, he went on to label them by their skin colour, claiming that they’ll be signing one black player and two white players.

“It seems that the search for three foreign players has reached it’s target. Research after research was conducted to fit the needs of K. Devan. 2 strikers, 1 midfielder… BLACK-WHITE-WHITE… 6’1″-6’2″-6’3″… 33th-27th-22th…it’s quite expensive..hopefully they are able to be in Kota Bharu before the 25th, to be introduced to the fans,” he said.

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Unfortunately, barely anyone took note of it in the comment section of the post, as most fans chose to focus on discovering the identity of these players.


It’s frustrating that no one really took note of it, because people have been normalized to it. Like it or not, labelling an individual by their skin colour is blatant racism. Football continues to battle racism on a daily basis, and we claim to be a footballing nation that’s willing to step up to join the battle as well. But when leaders of a football club – who are also politicians, by the way – engage in blatant racism on a public platform like Facebook, it goes to show why we’re still far behind in this game.

But this isn’t the first time Tan Sri Annuar Musa has been in the limelight for negative reasons. Back in September 2015, he participated in the infamous Red Shirt rally and allegedly said: “Being racial is endorsed in Islam as long as you are not cruel towards other people. This rally if you say is racist, yes. What are you scared of?” Oddly enough, these leaders continue to spearhead our football clubs and fans continue to be ignorant, without disagreeing with their leaders for using statements that are cloaked in nothing but sheer and blatant racism.

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